If you want to send emails with Magento you need to configure it to use an SMTP server – that is, the outgoing server that takes care of delivering your messages. magento to use SMTP instead of the usual mail function, you need to take the below steps. - Login to magento admin and go to. System->Configuration->Advanced->System->Mail Sending Settings - Now here set the host value to your smtp host name like mail.domain.com - And then the default port is 25. - Now you need to change magento file. Do not edit the core file as you will loose your change in an upgrade. - So copy this file app/code/core/Mage/core/Model/Email/Template.php in to your local, by creating the same folder structure. - Enable that module. - Then in Template.php you will have to change the getMail() function as below. public function getMail() { if (is_null($this->_mail)) { /* changes begin */ ...
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